Anupama 28th September 2024 Written Episode Update

Anupama 28th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Anupama does Sagar and Meenu’s grah pravesh
The episode opens with Anupama sharing her story about loving Anuj, revealing that their journey was full of obstacles. She says that their fight for love was much more challenging than the current situation. She recalls Baa’s harsh words from the past, where she had told Anupama that a “princess can get married, but not a grandmother.” Despite being a divorced woman, a mother of three, a daughter-in-law, and also a mother-in-law, Anupama fought for her love and ultimately earned the acceptance of their families. She addresses Meenu and Sagar, clearly disappointed: “You’ve hurt your mother, Meenu. The woman who gave you life and raised you deserves respect.” Anupama continues, “You’ve made mistakes and instead of taking responsibility, you’re blaming others. I supported your love, but not your wrong actions. From now on, it’s up to Dolly to decide what happens.”
Meenu and Sagar realize the severity of their actions and apologize to Dolly. Sagar admits, “We acted without thinking, and Anudi is right—we shouldn’t have hurt the family.” Meenu adds, “Please forgive us.” Sagar even offers to leave, saying, “We don’t want to stay and cause more pain.” Meenu echoes him, expressing deep regret. Dolly, in tears, says, “Why did you do this? I had so many dreams for your wedding. You were my pride, but now you’ve brought shame.” Meenu continues to apologize, but Dolly stands firm: “I will never accept this man, not after what you’ve done.” She looks at Sagar and says, “You will never be happy after making a mother cry.” Then, turning to Anupama, she accuses her, “If you hadn’t supported them, this marriage wouldn’t have happened. May you never experience a daughter’s happiness.”
Sagar tries to defend Anupama, asking Dolly to direct her anger at him instead. He apologizes to Anupama and decides they should leave, telling Meenu, “Let’s go.” Pakhi and Baa don’t hold back, with Pakhi saying, “Go to hell,” and Baa adding, “Yes, go.” Toshu chimes in, “You’ll understand when you’re without a roof over your head.” Dimpy comments that her packing was unnecessary. Anuj catches Anupama’s eye, and she calls out to Sagar and Meenu, asking them to wait while she gets the aarti plate. The two brighten up, their faces filled with hope. As Anupama walks away, Dolly follows, fuming. “What are you trying to prove, Anupama? That you’re the great one, and I’m the villain?” Toshu adds sarcastically, “Here comes the great Anupama.”
Anupama remains calm. “They have made a mistake, but I know Sagar is a good person. I’m not excusing what they did—I just don’t want them on the streets. Whether you forgive them or not is your decision, but right now, I’m welcoming them into the house.” She turns to Dolly and says, “Come, let’s welcome your daughter and son-in-law.” But Dolly refuses, saying she will never forgive them, while Toshu stands by, smirking.
Back in the living room, Anupama performs the aarti and tilak for Sagar and Meenu, inviting them inside. Meenu kicks over the traditional pot as part of the ceremony, and both of them touch Anupama’s feet for blessings. Anupama blesses them and then speaks seriously, “Listen to me—marriage changes everything. Your responsibilities increase, and from now on, you’re each other’s responsibility, not anyone else’s. Finish your education, build a stable life, and make sure you make this marriage work, all while keeping the family happy. I wish you the best.”
Later, Anupama is emotional as she talks to Anuj. “I feel so frustrated. I don’t know if I should scream, break something, or just run away.” Anuj, trying to lighten the situation, jokes, “Why don’t we just run away then? Kinjal can take care of Aadhya while we set up our new life somewhere—hashtag Maan. I’ll chop wood, and you can cook.” Anupama smiles, “But what about the wild animals?” Anuj laughs, “They’d probably be better company than some people around here.” He continues, “Let’s keep a bag ready and leave whenever we feel like it.” Just then, Aadhya calls for Anupama, and she says, “I need to go check on her.” Anuj tells her not to take on too much, reminding her that it’s time for Sagar and Meenu to stand on their own feet. Anupama agrees, and Anuj prays silently, hoping that Anupama can finally focus on herself.
Meanwhile, Aadhya struggles to focus on her studies after all the family drama. She notices that Ansh looks upset and calls him over. Ansh opens up, “I miss Dadu. I feel so alone now. He used to play games with me, but Ishu and Pari aren’t interested.” Aadhya offers, “I’ll play with you.” They start playing with a ball, but the ball accidentally hits Ansh in the face. Aadhya quickly apologizes, worried she hurt him. At that moment, Dimpy comes in, shoving Aadhya away and scolding her harshly. “Don’t be a bully like your parents,” she says spitefully. Ansh tries to defend Aadhya, saying, “It was just an accident. Why are you being so harsh?” But Dimpy continues, “You’re jealous because you aren’t in school. You’re not a Kapadia, just a beggar.” Aadhya stands up, furious. “Enough! What’s wrong with you?” Dimpy snaps, “Don’t you dare speak to me like that.”
Aadhya doesn’t back down. “My parents are the best, and you’re the worst. Even your son doesn’t like you. Don’t you ever insult my parents again.” Just then, Anupama enters the room and asks why Aadhya is speaking to her aunt that way. Aadhya explains everything, including the cruel words Dimpy had used. Anupama tells both of them to apologize to each other, but Aadhya refuses and storms off. Dimpy complains, “Look at how your daughter behaves!” Anupama replies, “You aren’t innocent in this either.” Ansh tries to reason with Dimpy, “Aadhya loves me and plays with me. You didn’t need to yell at her like that.” Dimpy, however, makes a mental note to keep Ansh away from Aadhya.
Later, Anupama and Anuj talk to Babu ji about the tension in the family. Babu ji suggests, “We need to do something to lift everyone’s spirits.” Anupama nods, “I was thinking the same thing.” Anuj adds, “This is a big day for Meenu and Sagar. We should make it special.” Anupama smiles, “I have an idea that might lighten the atmosphere.”
They gather everyone in the main hall, including Meenu and Sagar. Anupama announces, “Despite the mistakes they’ve made, let’s still perform the post-wedding rituals. We need to show maturity here.” She suggests starting with a traditional game where the couple searches for a ring in a bowl of milk. Dolly is still seething, muttering under her breath, “I’ll ruin all of this.” Toshu jokes, “Maybe Mom will end up throwing us all out. Let’s just wait and see.” Dolly makes up her mind to give Anupama an answer she won’t expect.
Anupama encourages Meenu and Sagar to play the game, and Sagar ends up finding the ring first. Nandita teases, “Looks like Sagar will be in charge in this marriage.” Sagar quickly responds, “No, it’s about us both.” The group then suggests that Anupama and Anuj play the game for fun. Anuj smiles and says, “Maybe we’ll play it after we get married—if that ever happens.” Anupama gives him a look, half-surprised and half-hopeful.
In the preview, Dolly and Anuj are getting ready to leave. Dolly offers Anupama a bowl of sugar and curd, then deliberately drops it, saying, “What a bad omen.” Meenu shouts, “Mom!” as Dolly sarcastically says, “How unfortunate.” Later, Anupama and Anuj are seen somewhere else, where a man asks her where she got the idea for “Anu ki Rasoi.” Anupama credits Anuj Kapadia, saying he was an excellent businessman. The man, however, counters, “From what I’ve heard, he’s nothing but a fraud and bankrupt.”